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From The Arctic Iron Staff
We are regrettably having to inform everyone that due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be delaying this years Arctic Run until the end of the year. Anyone that had preregistered will be reimbursed immediately and have begun to do so now. If you have any questions  please feel free to reach out and we will get back with you. 
A.I.R Staff
- The time has come -
- A beckoning call carried by the gusts of passing bikes - A call to you - - Challenging you - Are you ready to test tour limits -
THE VISION: What are we expecting to accomplish? 

Have you ever exhaustively searched for a motorcycle event to participate in, finally found it, only to discover that it was just a meager image of what you had in mind. That is what sparked the conception of this event. We wanted to create an event that would be a "crazy" ride; but, not put you at high risk, while providing a challenge that all may not complete successfully. This is not a poker run, this is an "any weather ride" not for the faint of heart (definitely not for fair weather riders). If you are wanting a challenge that offers a unique experience and reward, then this is the event for you. 

PRIDE IN THE RIDE: What type of rider are you? 

First and foremost, you should be proud to be among a small 12% of the population who ride motorcycles. You're one of those separated from the rest by choice, by choosing a more free living and adventurous lifestyle. Now, its time accept the Artic Iron Challenge, and separate yourself from the crowd even more.

There are two types of riders. Which type are you?

1. Those who ride because its in their blood...

When riding is in your blood, it is a way of life, Its not just something to be enjoyed on the weekends.  You're unafraid of less than perfect weather and road conditions. So what if your bike gets dirty, it just means you enjoyed the trip more, even if you cursed under your breath along the way. 

2. Then, there are fair weather riders or just mere enthusiasts...

We all know who these people are. They always love to shoot that look of how dare your bike have a scratch, a ding or two, and heaven forbid any road dirt on your paint. The list could continue, however lets get on with it. 

Come and test your iron, accept the Arctic Iron Challenge.

 A challenge that will separate you from your fair weather riding friends. 

See if your demented sense of fun will handle what we like to call fun. 

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